2019 中国音乐人最大的挑战是什么?答 Splice 首席技术官

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作者: 飞飞

早上收到来自纽约的邮件,有网友帮 Splice 的 CTO 咨询了国内音乐制作市场的十个问题,很有讨论价值,最近我也参加了不少行业的小会议,听来自很多领域的大佬聊音乐行业的发展,因此我希望公开回答,与大家讨论一下。


Splice 是欧美音乐行业新物种





网站流量已能排全球 6K, 很火

国内好像还没有这种服务商,要是有的话——感觉需要漫长的推广时间...下面是我对 Splice 的首席技术官 Matt Aimonetti 的回复。

感觉我的英文有点渣... 直接看中文即可...

01. Matt:what OS and computers do producers use?(中国的音乐制作人用什么系统和电脑)

Yoffy:I guess 80% of the producers in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen use macOS and Mac.(我猜北上广深有 80% 的制作人在用 macOS 和 Mac 电脑)

02. Matt:what software do they use to produce music (DAWs or others)?(他们用什么 DAW 或其他软件制作音乐?)

Yoffy:Like producers in the US and Europe, traditional Chinese producers use Pro Tools, Cubase, Logic or Studio One, and young producers tend to use Live, FL Studio, Serato, Maschine or MPC.(和国外的情况一样,传统制作人倾向于 Pro Tools、Cubase、Logic 或 Studio One,而年轻制作人会用到 Live、FL Studio、Serato、Maschine 或 MPC)

03. Matt:where do they find their cracked software?(他们在哪里寻找盗版软件?)

Yoffy:Many Chinese websites provide cracked software, we all know, but it isn't a trend.(很多中国音频网站都提供盗版软件,大家都知道是谁,但这不是趋势)

04. Matt:where do they buy legit software?(他们在哪里购买正版软件?)

Yoffy:Mainly in taobao.com. One of the trends in 2018 here is legit software, however, most of Chinese musicians can hardly read English, it's difficult for them to register or buy DAWs online, openning foreign websites is slow and sometimes can not pass the Google reCAPTCHA because of the ”Great Wall of China“, so it's better if someone can solve these problems using local language.

主要在淘宝,2018 年的趋势是正版软件突然好卖了,但目前国内音乐人的英文水平普遍很渣,除了注册和使用问题,还会遇到翻蔷问题,导致西方网站速度太慢或者 Google reCAPTCHA 过不去,因此最好能有人用中文解决他们的技术问题。

05. Matt:where do they find out what’s new/released?(他们在哪里获取新闻和新资讯?)

Yoffy:In social media APPs like Wechat 微信 or Weibo 微博, or in professional websites like exound or midifan.

06. Matt:where is the educational content?(他们在哪里学习音乐制作?)

Yoffy:I used to teach music production in a Beijing music college for two years, 90% of my students have left music industry after they graduated, so I guess most of the Chinese musicians learned production by themselves online.(我在北京一家音乐学院教过两年音乐制作,但我 90% 的学生毕业后离开了音乐行业,我猜现在的国内音乐人主要是网上自学成才)

07. Matt:is hardware popular for music production, if yes, what brands/gear?(音乐制作流行使用硬件吗?哪些品牌和设备?)

Yoffy:DJ hardwares, drum machines (pad controllers), and analog synthesizers are popular in Beijing & Shanghai these years, like Novation, NI, Akai、Ableton、Roli...(北京上海近年比较流行 DJ 硬件、鼓机/鼓垫控制器和模拟合成器,有 Novation、NI、Akai、Ableton、Roli...)

08. Matt:who are the respected producers, people look up to?(国内有哪些受尊敬的制作人)

Yoffy:I think the US and Europe producers will be more respected in China... but we still have some notable local producers like Zhang Yadong, Jonathan Lee, Gao XiaosongKubert Leung...

我觉得欧美制作人更受国内音乐人尊敬... 不过国内谈得上”尊敬“的制作人也有些:张亚东、李宗盛、高晓松、梁翘柏...

09. Matt:what are the challenges specific to the Chinese market?(中国市场有哪些特殊的挑战?)

Yoffy:To the Chinese musicians and instrument dealers, the biggest challenge in 2019 is legalization and regularization, not China-US trade friction. since Jan 1st, every transaction online has to go through central bank and under government supervision, all kinds of personal income have risks if you do not pay enough taxes, which is unfamiliar to the musicians form a developing country, and will definitely restrain the development and creativity of personal musicians and small instrument dealers. We still waiting for more details from the congress after the traditional Chinese new year in Feb, if splice has plans to enter China market, it's better to set up a branch company here.

对于中国音乐人和乐器商,2019 最大的挑战不是中美贸易战,而是合法化和正规化。1月1日起,每笔网上交易都会经过央行,并纳入政府监管,任何个人收入不纳税将有极大风险,这对发展中国家的音乐人还很陌生,但肯定会抑制个人音乐人和小型零售商的发展和创新。我们正在等年后的进一步政策细节,如果 Splice 想进入中国市场,必须设立中国分公司。

10. Matt:how is music streaming changing music distribution for producers?(音乐流媒体如何改变制作人发行音乐?)

Yoffy:CD's life is so short in China that we do not miss CDs at all, young producers quickly accepted music streaming platforms and paid more attention to all kinds of data feedback. according to the latest report, Chinese digital music revenue increased 46% and reached 4.66 billion yuan, which occupied 80% of the local music market. I think the music industry is much better than ten years ago.

中国的 CD 音乐时代刚起步就结束了,国人对 CD 没有任何留恋,年轻制作人很快就接受了流媒体平台,并开始关注各种数据反馈。根据最新数据,2018 年国内数字音乐增长了 46% 至 46.6 亿元,占据音乐市场总份额的 80%,我觉得音乐市场已经比十年前好了很多。

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